Proposal for developing an extension for tracking Galxe raffles


Empower the Galxe community with the introduction of Galxe Raffle Tracker, a Google Chrome extension designed to make it easier and more streamlined for users to participate in Galxe campaigns and sweepstakes.

Development of a convenient Google Chrome extension to facilitate interaction with Galxe raffles. This extension will allow users to track their participation, view wins and access campaigns directly from their browser, providing a more integrated and interactive experience within the Galxe ecosystem.

The Galxe ecosystem thrives due to active participation and participation in various campaigns and sweepstakes. However, tracking participation and wins can be difficult. Galxe Raffle Tracker aims to alleviate this problem by providing users with a web3 platform to easily track their activity, thereby improving the user experience, encouraging greater participation and helping to create a more cohesive community.

The proposed Galxe raffle tracker will offer the following features:

  • Track winnings and participation in raffles in real time.
  • Direct links to active campaigns, simplifying the participation process.
  • Notifications about new campaigns and wins, ensuring users never miss an opportunity.
  • User-friendly interface that easily integrates with the Galxe ecosystem.

The project includes the development of Galxe Raffle Tracker as a Google Chrome extension. It includes:

  • The interface design matches the visual style of Galxe.
  • Development of a backend for data synchronization with the Galxe platform.
  • Implementation of notification systems for winnings and new campaigns.
  • Testing and optimization for user convenience.

Success Criteria:

  • Effectively track user participation and winnings in Galxe raffles .
  • Increased user engagement and interaction in the Galxe ecosystem.
  • Positive feedback from the Galxe community regarding the usability and functionality of the extension.

Time frame/budget:
The development period is predicted to be 1 month and is distributed as follows:

  • Week 1: Research and design phase.
  • Week 2-3: Development and backend integration.
  • Week 4: Testing, Debugging and Deployment.

The estimated budget for this project is 1000 in GAL tokens, covering development, design, testing and deployment costs.

The Galxe Raffle Tracker extension for Chrome represents a significant step towards enriching the Galxe community experience. By providing a tool that makes it easy to participate in campaigns and track wins, we aim to increase engagement, promote community growth, and support the vitality of the entire ecosystem. This proposal invites the Galxe community to support the development of the Galxe Raffle Tracker, marking a move towards a more interactive and user-centric experience in the Galxe ecosystem.


@alexkat , your suggestion for the Galxe Raffle Tracker Chrome extension sounds awesome! :+1:t2: It’ll make joining Galxe campaigns a breeze and tracking raffles wins a snap.
In my opinion, the timeline and budget seem spot on!

Can’t wait to see it in action and get more involved in the early testing of this extension!
Let’s make it happen! :raised_hands:


GALXE需要更多的新项目新的面貌;但是请测试好以后在挂在GALXE;不要拿着不成熟的产品丢在GALXE上。谢谢。strong text


Looks awesome, The UI would be a great addition and easy monitoring


Would be great. Easy way to track raffles!


wonderful idea,will be more convenient!!


it is easy to check raffle. good!


i think this proposal is good. it helps us to check raffle.


We are looking forward to its implementation as soon as possible


great idea!! it will be very convenient


Can’t wait to see it in action and get more involved in the early testing of this extension!


wow fantastic damnnn

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Thank you, Keri! Your enthusiasm is contagious, and I’m thrilled to hear you’re looking forward to the early testing phase. Your support motivates me to ensure the Galxe Raffle Tracker exceeds expectations. Let’s indeed make it happen!


wow, very very good advice.

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Wow! That will be really good. Hoping to see this soon :slight_smile:

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Very useful, thx, would be great

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Great! I cant wait too se what could be implemented next?

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I like it. It’s faster and more convenient to find out about losses, even those I forgot to check :slightly_smiling_face:

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an absolutely useless idea with an extension, this functionality should be on the site, and not in a separate browser extension, it looks like crutches instead of functionality

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Hey nagry, appreciate your take on this! :raised_hands: It’s always great to see different perspectives, and you’ve certainly given us food for thought. Let’s unpack this a bit, shall we?

Imagine the Galxe platform as a Swiss Army knife - super handy, versatile, and fits in your pocket. Now, this extension? It’s like adding a laser pointer to that Swiss Army knife. Sure, you could argue that a knife should just cut things, but what if you could also use it to point at stuff from afar? That’s kind of what we’re aiming for here.

We’re not just adding ‘crutches’ to the platform; we’re equipping it with a jetpack. :rocket: The idea is to bring Galxe’s functionality into spaces where users already spend a lot of their time - their browsers. It’s about enhancing accessibility and convenience, not replacing or undermining the site’s core functionalities.

But hey, the beauty of the Galxe ecosystem is its diversity - including the diversity of opinions. So, while we might see this as a step towards innovation, it’s totally cool to agree to disagree. After all, what’s a community without a little bit of debate? :smile:

Thanks for sparking the conversation, nagry. Here’s to more discussions that push us to think outside the box! :clinking_glasses: